
About the blog:

If you wish to make a journey through the archives of Enchanted Club, you'll come to see that all posts, of all qualities and categories, are still available to read. I am an imperfect, often inept being with flaws, and this is reflected in my writing. Since I started this blog in 2015, I have rarely deleted and very mildly edited my posts. However, since 2021, I have used Enchanted Club as a writing portfolio rather than the blog it initially was.

I've pondered many times whether leaving my old posts online—with their many mistakes, grammatical errors, and horrendous editing—would affect the facade of my flawless, linear growth as a person and writer, possibly even hindering my career. After much deliberation, I've made the choice to let this space be what I want it to be.

It was my home at 15, and it is my home at 24. I like to decorate it in my own style. I like to leave some mess lying around. It's lived-in.

I hope you enjoy looking at my odd little trinkets on display and weirdly shaped cut-outs taped to the walls. Walk across my well-traveled rug to pick up an album of preserved poetry which makes no sense, yet cannot be discarded. I welcome you.

About the Author:

Aastha Agrawal is an Indian writer, illustrator, and creative based in Naarm (Melbourne), Australia. Her work has been featured in publications such as Refinery29, Frankie Magazine, and Fashion Journal; and displayed on billboards in the UK as a beneficiary of the 2022 POCC Artist in Residence program. More recently, Aastha was shortlisted as a finalist for the 2024 RUSSH Magazine Literary Showcase.


  1. This is a gorgeous blog! I love the font and color scheme you chose, and the header is lovely. Also, I read some of your posts- they are very neat. I love the most recent one with the photos- those are so cool. Awesome blog!
    -Vivian | http://moonsworlds.blogspot.com

    1. Thank you so much, made my day!
      ps. I checked out your blog and I love your painting post :)

  2. Your blog is so pretty and aesthetic!! I am incredibly glad to have found it. <3 <3 <3

  3. Hello Aastha, it's great to see your perspective on travel and shopping. Your blog shows real promise. Would you like to read and review a collection of short stories about romance from a women's perspective?
    I'm a part of a street team promoting this super septuagenarian author Sharat Kumar. He's coming out with a collection of short stories called 'The White Marble Burzi and Other Stories'. I'd love to hear your take on them. If you want, I can send a teaser of the book so you can see if the book is to your liking.


    1. Hello,

      Thank you so much for contacting me, I am quite interested in your offer. Please email me at -aasthaameow@gmail.com- and let me know more about this book and the review process, as well as send me the teaser.


  4. Your blog is gorgeous! Everything is so neat and tidy and just aesthetically pleasing! Will definitely be back to keep reading it! xx.

    -Aishah (http://aishahkarim.weebly.com/)

  5. Great. Always nice to read your blog. Good Luck!!!
