14 May, 2016

Songs and a Lil' talk

(Cringy beginning to blog post,I don't even know why I wrote it, but it took time so I'll post it (yes you can laugh at me))
 Music always puts me at ease. It's an escape, something that can completely change your mood and make you feel different about a certain situation, remind you of a certain person or transport you to another time.
My music choice tends to be very 'depressing'(I hate using the word depressing to describe something like music taste but that's legit what people say to me).I just prefer slow, soft music and you will find that a lot of the songs I mention here will fit in that category. 

At first I just listed down all the songs that I wanted to mention. But then I decided to do something different, and so I took all the song names and made a little story out. Not really sure how I feel about it, but I think I'll just go along with it.
(I've linked the songs on the names throughout the story)

I love riding my BICYCLE through this oddly unfamiliar SUBURBIA. There is never a destination that needs to be reached, but I always end up at GEORGIA's. We used to be friends once, people hardly remember though. I would've laughed at the thought of it myself, if I didn't end up here every now and then. Seems like it was ages ago, but whenever I'm here I remember those times, full of COLOURS. Times were hard then, worse probably, but with our HEAVY SHOULDERS we would sit on her HAUNT-ed BED knowing things would be okay because we had each other.I can hardly remember her voice now, even after all those times she TALKed ME DOWN.  It all seems unreal, like a FANTASY that has faded away underneath the RIPTIDE

Songs mentioned: 

BICYCLE by Parks, Squares and Alleys
SUBURBIA by Troye Sivan
GEORGIA by Vance Joy
COLOURS by Halsey
HAUNT//BED by the 1975
TALK ME DOWN by Troye Sivan
RIPTIDE by Vance Joy

I haven't posted anything in a while, and I feel like I say that a lot. But I've just been thinking-
  1. I want to be unique and original, but literally everything has been done before.
  2. I'm not really talented at anything particular to really devote myself into, and focus my blog on it. 
  3. I'm quite basic honestly. There is nothing special about me that I can enhance and post on here to show or tell.(I liked to think that I could kinda write fictional stories but year 11 ATAR has destroyed that self esteem) 
  4. Many things that I DO want to post are either too personal and I don't think I can put that up on this platform yet or I'm just too insecure and parked in my comfort zone to do it.
  5. I don't want to be judged. I think a huge part of me just doesn't do things that I really want to do, due to the fear of being judged and laughed at.(I know this sounds stupid because I can literally get no where in life if I care so much about what people think of me but I recon this might change after I leave high school I guess. )
I'm actually quite proud of this post, out of all the things I've put up, this is probably the one I've spent the most time on and I'm happy with the way it turned out. If you read the whole thing I love you. This is what keeps me going.