29 September, 2016

Bloom before break

School holidays began less than a week ago and I have done absolutely nothing, not only as a result of laziness but also because it has been so physically painful to walk more than a few meters. On the way back home on the last day of the term, I was hit by a bicycle and landed on my knee and elbow. Now I don't know what it is, but if this doesn't make you realise how 'unlucky' or how much of a bad luck I have, I don't now what will. Anyway, it was bloody awful (the use of the word bloody is ironic here) and so I've been sat here, on my bed for the past 6 days or so, watching old Ryan Gosling movies (Half Nelson was pretty good) and somewhat studying and completing school projects.
I honestly think it's torture that they give us these 'holidays', because I mean they aren't even holidays, they're a 'study break', which is a load of bullshit as it means you feel shitty either way- wether you decide to study or to have fun. These holidays just inject guilt in you no matter what you do because when you're having fun in the back of your mind you're worrying about the upcoming exams and how you should be studying right now, but when you're studying you loose any motivation because this was meant to be you're 2 weeks off of school, to relax but instead you're stuck inside rereading all your past english essays in hopes to pass you exam.

I hear you say "But Aastha, you aren't doing either" yea okay I know but this is called procrastination and you've probably read my previous post all about that.

Here are a few pictures from when we visited the annual Tulip Festival held in Arulen  (when school was still on, and I could still walk)
The sun was out,  the grass was dry and the bees were buzzing. It was a breath taking view! (How does one describe photos??)


  1. Such a lovely flowers. I love this!
    Good vibes, FOX
    check out my blog www.rochellefox.com.au and my latest VLOG

  2. Hey I'm new to blogging too! and looking for blogging buddies I was wondering if you want to like support each others blogs maybe do a guest post or something? my blog is http://themisfitsjournal.blogspot.ie

  3. Lovely photos! Just found your blog on TBC-- I love your header :) Neat post!

  4. Oh man I love this flowerscape! So calming and beautiful. Sad to hear about your accident with the bike--I hope you heal quickly!

    / Maria

    1. I've been healing pretty well, it's a relief! Thank you for the lovely comment x

  5. Adorable photos. Love this!
    Good vibes, FOX
    check out my blog www.rochellefox.com.au and my latest VLOG

  6. Thanks for sharing this with all of us.
