14 January, 2017

Something new

I've been faced with what I think you'd call a 'writer's block'. 

Google search: Writer's block is a condition, primarily associated with writing, in which an author loses the ability to produce new work, or experiences a creative slowdown. The condition ranges in difficulty from coming up with original ideas to being unable to produce work. 

Although I wouldn't consider myself a 'writer', it is my main form of expression to many people over the world, through this blog. I seem to lack the motivation and creativity to write about anything at this point because everything seems like it's been done before, resulting in a loss of self expression for a few months, which drove me insane. 

However, to be a little cheesy and to quote a famous idiom- every cloud has a silver lining - I found that although writing is what I'm used to, and what I consider to be my most preferred form of expression, there are more outlets and platforms that I can experiment with. And that although I might feel that writing isn't really working out for me at this moment, it doesn't have to mean that I limit myself to what I'm comfortable with or completely block myself off from trying new things out, and rather that I should look at this 'writers block' as some time away, like a vacation to try something new out. And so I decided to finally give YouTube a go. 

I've always wanted to try and make YouTube videos, but I've always put it off. My lack of proper equipment has always been my excuse, and it has held me back for so long. But yesterday something sparked inside of me, and suddenly the absence of a huge camera and artificial lighting seemed to not be of concern anymore, and I created a short video. 

I think I've realised that I need to do things, because I enjoy them, and not because I want to impress others or to get anything out of them. The sheer joy I got by filming, editing and publishing this video put me over the moon. I realised that fear of failure needs to be set aside, and that there is nothing you can do about people's negative judgements of you. 

What I worry about the most is that people will feel I'm competing against them or stealing their ideas/ spotlight, that what brings me joy, will eventually become something that I am teased about or something that will be used as a weapon against me to put me down.
But what can you do about it? I can either live in fear and never step out my comfort zone and waste all that potential or I can accept myself, my strengths and my creativity and I won't need to prove anything to anyone. 

I've linked my video below and I would really appreciate if you gave it a watch, liked it and subscribed to my channel, and leave feedback on the comment section. I want to thank all my blog readers for all the support on here, without which I wouldn't have gained the confidence to try out something new. Your comments and feedback are always so uplifting and they encourage me to keep doing what I love. Thank you.


  1. Great to know that you made a video, will be going to your youtube channel soon.


  2. Hope your writers block will pass soon and I loved the video! You are so talented!
    xoxo, Vanessa

  3. Very very nice :)

    Federica Di Nardo

  4. Thanks for sharing your video! I have a channel too--I won't link it here, bc I don't want to come across as spam, but it's on my blog!

  5. I think it turned out great!!
    I want to put together a video too, no time like the present!!

  6. Hey! I did the same thing yesterday, I relaunched my Youtube channel (which I was very scared about, and haven't got the best equipment). Your video is different to any other Youtube video I've seen.
    Maybe we can help each other out/support each other.

    LAURA ­| Laura Thinks About

    Ps. my youtube channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/LauraAnneStar

    Laura x

  7. Good for you for branching out! :) Keep up the good work!

    Le Stylo Rouge

  8. I hate when I have writer's block! I think it's great that you made a video :)


  9. Nice video, have a great day!

    Gemma x

  10. I can relate to you about writer's block. Also, nice video. :)


  11. Writer's block can be a dragged. Cool video btw :)


  12. Congratulations on your YouTube video, it's nicely put together

  13. Nice video :) hope your writers block passes soon! x
    A Blushing Beauty Blog

  14. Relly cute shooting! Lovely outfit!!
    Baci, Valeria - Coco et La vie en rose FASHION & BEAUTY

  15. Beautiful :)


  16. I liked the arrows for their help in organizing your notes.
